
Arnica Montana

A plant of healing

July 24, 2023

Arnica Montana has been used as a homoeopathic medicine for centuries as the flowers of the plant possess numerous medicinal activity. A. Montana is most popular for its use in modern day medicine due to its efficacy for post- surgical interventions, namely recommended by surgeons and used for its post surgical inflammation and ecchymosis (bruising) side effects.

Where is Arnica Montana derived from?
Arnica Montana, is a plant found in the indigenous mountains in Europe, Northern Asia, Siberia as well as America.

What is the bioactivity of A. Montana?
Arnica is a powerful healer due to the potent therapeutic properties of the flower. Research has shown that extracts of the plant that possess antibacterial, anti tumor, anti oxidant, anti inflammatory, and anti fungal properties— A. Montana has proved its efficacy as a anti inflammatory agent for post surgical healing

Clinical studies reported that post traumatic bruising of the skin post-surgery can be prevented by applying ointment containing 30-40% of A. Montana to the affected area.

Arnica is also known in literature to heal wounds. A. Montana alone or in combination with gel “heals surgically induced incisions.” Hence why surgeons recommend arnica for post surgical inflammation and bruising.

Recovery Concierge has collaborated with an old time friend and herbalist, laura, who creates arnica salves from 100% organic arnica flower for our patients. Click here to purchase.